November at the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, our Dutch Chinese Young Entrepreneurs(DCYE) in cooperation with the European Investment Council (EIC) , co-organized a seminar with the ministry of Security and Justice which focused on MoMi, the Modern Migration Policy Act for foreign investors and the preferential treatment of skilled migrants. the seminar was also supported by our partners Limes International and Interconnection.
H.E. Mr. Fred Teeven, State Secretary of the Ministry of Security and Justice, delivered the keynote address at the event and invited the audience to come forward with recommendations and constructive criticism. After the speech of the State Secretary, Ms. Lieke Vollebroek from the Ministry gave an overview of the Modern Migration Policy Act and the new regulations for foreign investors.
Interconnection explained their expat-related activities on intercultural management, while Limes International called for a closer cooperation between the stakeholders involved in migration.
After the presentations, there was a panel discussion with the audience and speakers on the subject. The model of the seminar was quite unique. The Ministry was open to comments from practitioners, very soon after the introduction of new legislation. We believe that this greatly contributed to better understanding of Dutch policy and enhanced confidence in the way the government handles these complex issues.
The audience included more than 150 guests from national and local government, Ambassadors and Counsellors from different Embassies and Dutch international concerns as well as foreign companies in the Netherlands.
We look back on a successful seminar.